June 30, 2008

Daily inspiration

Today's inspiration is Bill Walsh, author of the Lapsing Into a Comma and Elephants of Style. Before reading his books, I was unaware that there were people as interested in grammar/copy editing as I was. Elephants of Style is an in-depth books about the "hows" and "whys" of style, whereas Lapsing Into a Comma is geared more specifically toward copy editors.
It was Walsh who made me realize that perhaps it isn't always wrong to end a sentence with a preposition if it makes for a less awkward clause. And it was Walsh's Web site, The Slot, that made me buy perhaps the wittiest T-shirt I've ever owned. It's always fun to take a walk down the street and have someone laugh at, "Bad grammar makes me [sic]," even if he doesn't understand what it really means.
You know what else I like about Bill Walsh? He answers his e-mail. Because of my long history in the customer service industry, I appreciate when people are courteous enough to respond to questions, comments, etc. It's nice to know that even though Walsh is a grammatical genius, he takes the time to talk to the little people such as myself.

Check out Walsh's blog. It's a perfect place for grammar nerds to read a copy genius in action.

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